Poems (5)
"Albert Mol,a small moustache
and the puzzle is complete!!!"
Eternal Love
A.B. and L.K. alias Adolf and Eva the Hitchcockalias Elijah and Samson.
H.v.T. and R.d.W. alias Jack and Rose Terrible
alias Moses and Samson.
Peter and Judas
Peter and Judas had a big disputeto the betrayal of Jesus.
And so was Judas killed
and knotted by Peter.
In Berlin, by the wallYou were five foot ten inches tall
It was very nice
Candlelight and Dubonnet on ice
We were in a small cafe
You could hear the guitars play
It was very nice
Oh honey it was paradise
Lou Reed
The Hunchback (Crippled)of Notre Dame (Amersfoort)
Quasimodo (Jack Terrible)
forever together with Rose,
the most beautiful Lady
on the earth!!!
This morning I saw Rose Terribleon the bicycle.
She wore a black cape.
I thought… “Zorro!!!”
Crown Princess Beatrix asked mea few questions and then
she anointed my head with oil
in our house when I was
seven years old.
When she anointed me
I was completely naked.
Later she became Queen
of the Netherlands.
Now she's Princess again.
I'm 53 and I'm Prophet!!!